Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Nose Bleeding Again

My DAmn nose is bleeding agian! I can sing the bleeding love song! Since i am Cheona Leowis!
"Keep bleeding,keep keep bleeding in nose, i keep bleeding,keep keep bleeding in nose, keep bleeding,keep keep bleeding in nose...."
Don't know what the hell of problem of my nose, it just like menstrual cycle that almost come once or twice between two month! I hate it! And i don't like blood! Just don't like it! It is bloody red and like a weapon that will destroy your life when you see it holding in your hand! Ok.your won't bleeding for it just want to bleed, it sure got the reason for it to come out from your body! And i sure don't want to know why!

Initially,i am too tired for everything! It just like forcing myself into a dark hole that without any ending or destination! If you do know me, i don't like to do thing that won't give me any result or don't have final target! Just i don't like to play online game,because it just no point playing that~It's like never going to end,it just keep on level up and up and up! What a boring game! I like outdoor game like treasure hunt. I apply my Principal into all aspect of my life! I obey my own law of my life! Certain thing i don't like, i just won't like! Like i forever-ly won't eat animal's skin,leg and inner organ! It make me feel terribly disgusting! I will vomit if i eat that kind of things! This is one of my law! life is just like that, you can't make everyone love you but you can love yourself! I love myself more than i can think! I do things that i like and i hate things that i hate! If one day you see me doing something unexpected, you no need to be surpise because it is me!

Still, i haven finish the post below and i just hope i can finish it as soon as possible! It maybe nothing to you but it is everything to me! I have a question here! Can guy have a BFF?? I don't know la! It maybe sound like very gaynish! But i do hope i have a BFF! BFF stand for Best Friend forever not Boy friend forever! If i do can have a boy friend, that will be different meaning for it! At least is for me! Ok,let's go back to the Best Friend Forever! I think i do have one and he is absolutely straight guy, so it not going to happen guy's love in between us! haha! I do glad that i have him as my friend! Not going to reveal his name here!

As my english is not really as good as other, i trying so hard to improve it! So, i decided to use my other blog to write some story to make my english foundation stronger! I believe that if i keep on writing,someday i might be will be same standard as Ryan Lem now as he surely going to be reached higher standard in writing in the future! Ever since i having this blog, it make my life better! I am one of the people that love his blog so much and it just like my boyfriend now as my blog is about me! like dating with myself! i need to see him everyday,Give him something new for everyday to maintain our relationship! I just love him so much! I love you,My Blog!
You surely think i am crazy for talking to my blog and also in love with my blog! Ya! I am crazy now! I crazy in love with my blog! i think is because of the bleeding nose,my thinking is out of my mind!

My classmate and school mate are damn lame! That i speechless when talk about them! What to do? I not lame enough to be a lamer or as join their club-flame! (Fucky Lame). For me, i am nearer to cool more than lame! So, i can be silent for whole day to act cool but with this kind of lame friends. what can i do is just laugh and laugh!

For the last word of the day~ I love myself as much as i love my friends! I hope they will know although sometime i might be so emo and do not treat them as good as myself,it doesn't mean i not love them!

Bleeding, Tired, Crazy

X.O.X.O Ryan L

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