Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Random #4

Again and again. I warned myself not to get involve with that person. But still lose to the feeling and my own desire. My heart wanted it so much but my brain said you know it is wrong, be rational and move on. Blah Blah Blahhhhhh... same story from over and over again. So sick to listen to it already. Be smart this time, and just let it go.

I want to go out and snap some nice photo. desperately lack of good photo for my blog. so ya, is time for me to hunt for good photo. With my new gadget. Although so sad to say bye bye to my lovely nokia, Baby, i will always remember you. Now I passed to my brother, hope he will take good care my baby. Now I got a new baby, so yeah, is time to play with it and bring some nice shoot. My nokia baby had bring me lot of memory and great shoot of sunset.

Actually this is a random post again, I no idea what to write but just feel like want to write something, Sometime life is not all about purpose, sometime we need to do something outrages, dont be so serious all the time,

Ryan L
The Little Lion

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