Sunday, May 8, 2011


You Don't Get Respect Because You Want it; You Get Respect Because You Earn It

Now is 5.40 am. Is almost morning. Most of the people are snoring now or have a great adventure in the dreamland. For me is a sleepless night. Just do not feel like sleeping at all. Perhaps lots of thing bother in my mind. Result releasing soon and I think I not really do so well so kinda nervous for it. And the important decision I need to make. Lots of pressure from certain people who not really support me for it. I think I just should keep all to myself first before I make any decision. Listen Nicki Minaj and Beyonce make me more awake. I love Nicki's Super Bass and Beyonce's Why Don't You Love Me. Plus some Glee song. Big glee fans here. You can call me Gleek.
If you never listen to that two song before, you can give a try. Both are addictive and once you love it, you just can't stop listen to it. Gonna download it and one of the song in my Ipod.

As the title of this post is about Respect. Would like to write about something about religion. What make me feel like writing about it? Is cos of just watched a video about religion and respect, I think is a good topic to discuss. I am a free thinker. But I kinda special. Because I believe in God. I just do not define my God. I believe there are only one God. But non of the existing God in this world is my God. Hope I do not offence anyone. It just my personal point of view and something that I believe in. I do not deny the existent of other God, it just I choose to believe my own God. Plus I am not so religious person, So religion not really playing big part in my life. Mostly I choose to believe in People, Money, Power. These three thing is the thing I believe in the most.

I do not choose any religion does not mean I anti them. I do respect every religion. I respect some people need to pray before eating, I respect some might can't eat beef. I respect we need to take off shoes before walk into a temple. Actually all of this is so easy to be done, but why still people can't do it. Mostly is because of Ego. People are proud of their own religion and think other religion is silly or useless. This shall bring conflict among people. One of the reason I choose to become a free thinker is because I read some article when I was small kid and it about war caused by religion. Although not so understand in that time, but I decided not to choose any religion for my life. Religion suppose to make people feel safe, comfortable and have something to hold on when they are helpless, something to be the guidance when they need one. And religion is not an excuse to start a war or any fight or any bad activity. I hate that a lot. I hate people using religion to get what they want. I just don't like it.

Learn to respect is important. Even they are holding different perspective for living with you, but is their choice. Do respect it. Everyone have the right to live their live in their own way, no one can judge or say anything about it. I learn to respect by accepting it. Never judge someone you don't know. Besides religion, it is important to respect people who are different from you such as disability people, homosexual, transgender and etc. Respect any race no matter black or white or asian or others. They are born this way and there are nothing wrong with that. Perhaps you can start listen to Lady Gaga - Born This Way.

Respect play the important role in our life, once you learn how to respect, your life will be much more better. Trust me on that. I respect people so that people will respect me. Bow when you need to bow, say sorry when you need to say sorry. Keep quiet when it need to be quiet. Life will be much more better when you know how to respect people, religion, race, sexuality and even animals.

One word - RESPECT.

Ryan L
The Little Lion

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