Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Always Believe

I always believe that someone out there is waiting for me, someone is reading my words, someone is hating me, someone is loving me, someone is just dont like to see me. someone that take me as his/her besties. someone who I care, someone who will be there when i need someone..... I always believe that... I do...I believe in myself that I can do better, I can make it back together.

I always believe that this world is very small, what I do will known by the whole world. I also believe that this world is very big , there is always something I dont know out there waiting for me to explore it.

I love the Believe by Josh Gorban.. It is one of the song inside the movie The Polar Express.. It make me believe that this world is beautiful.

Watched It's Complicated.. A not bad movie. You should watch it.

I am The Lion that never will bite you..be nice with me and i will be nice with you. Once you click the wrong button, it hard to reverse back..

Gonna believe that I will do well in my exam, but before I believe in it, I must first study. So Ciao~~ This is just another random post.

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Ryan L
The Lion

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